Минстрой России проводит конкурс «Въездные стелы муниципальных образований и входные группы общественных пространств». Въезд в поселок Петровское Приозерского района вошел в ТОП-10 конкурса, он отличился исторической составляющей и интересными узорами, сообщил телеграм-канал областного комитета по ЖКХ.
The main idea of the text is that people have until 13:00 on December 28th to vote for Leningrad Oblast in the national "Cities are Changing for Us" competition.
The oblast was selected as a finalist for its unique and historically significant entrance to the village of Petrovskoye. The competition recognizes the best entrance signs and public spaces across Russia.
The main idea of the text is that people have until 13:00 on December 28th to vote for Leningrad Oblast in the national "Cities are Changing for Us" competition. The oblast was selected as a finalist for its unique and historically significant entrance to the village of Petrovskoye. The competition recognizes the best entrance signs and public spaces across Russia.